Saturday, August 29, 2009


So, maybe love is the scary thing? I was thinking about it. Don't we all really just want to love? To be loved? Even sharing love with those we may not know? If our spirits are all one or connected, can we really not know someone?

You see it all over, in stores, walking down the street, runners, sitting in a cubicle, in Whole Foods for gods sakes--people all walking around slouching their shoulders forward all around their heart, protecting that area so as to not be hurt.

I think thats what drew me to Anusara in the first place, the emphasis on the shoulders back and the lift of the chest, or shoulder loop if you're in the know;). It felt scary and unsafe, opening up the front of my chest like that, having a concave chest from slouching as a kid the last thing I'd want to do is open up. But once I embraced the scariness of it and how I love to test myself I fell for it and realized that opening my heart area or heart chakra physically was going to open my heart metaphorically as well. And it has.

The expansion on that came when I began incorporating more and more kundalini into my practice and it opens up and moves the thymus glad which is in essence your heart chakra. That energy was no longer blocked. I had taken the time and effort to open up my three lower energy centers and the link between them, the physical ones, and the three upper ones, the spiritual ones is the heart center. The one area where you feel spiritual and physical together, bringing balance. And that was where I needed to open up and did.

And there is where most people need to open up. I know some who actually are working towards it and I'm glad for it, I'm working on it daily. Now though, the work is how to incorporate that work into my life. To love? To just love freely, with no care for reciprocation? Yes! That is the answer methinks. I am working on it diligently, I hope anyway. I'm trying to observe that I'm being open and free and loving to any that approach me and any that don't.

I did find that when I let go a bit too much with someone I was interested in it seemed to backfire on me, but that friendship seems to be mending itself and I am still just letting myself love him and give him the space he needs to figure out where he wants to go with it, which may end up being nowhere near where I want to go with it, and does that bother me? Maybe, but should it let me stop giving the love freely? I think not. I think it feels good to give love, of course it feels good to receive it as well but is that the point? I don't know, maybe to learn how to receive it is a point in and of itself, but not the point of this message.

I am of the mind that one should take care of oneself first, ones own connection first and foremost, but then move out from there and become loving and giving to oneself and then out to others in your immediate life and then out from there. It starts at home and with a little impetus moves out, ... from your heart.

So lets all work on being more loving and more embracing of one another, even thru what we would view as their faults or their triumphs and create a global community based around acceptance of diversity and love. Sounds nice doesn't it? It does to me and I'm starting at home. With my practice, making it a priority to keep opening me up, unblocking all my barriers and then moving to those I live with, with love, and then to those I love but don't live with, and then out to my students, then out beyond that.

It feels great to be open, scary? yes, but thats okay. Fear is the mindkiller, so let loose of your fears and love them away!

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