Saturday, September 26, 2009

Autumn again

This time of year always seems to start people turning inward. Me included. I have been doing some more intense hatha and kundalini practices to keep my energy from going in the bucket and its helped exponentially. But it still feels like the right time to be internal, fold into myself, even if its just a bit.

Its the weather that makes me want to snuggle up and read a good book (of which I'll be doing tonight, reading the Harry Potter series) or snuggle up with a cuddly someone and just chat and watch tv. The latter being moreso where my mind has been lately, and yes I have someone in mind, not just sure if said someone has me in mind though so so far thats been a no go. So far.

Last year I remember having a hard time with this time of year, not even wanting to get out of the house, but this year its different. Example; today I had to teach in the park, the park class has been humongous this year, so for sure I wouldn't be being alone! But the whole while I was teaching I felt internalized and like I was there by myself. I hung out for a bit after and then went off to read in my car and see a movie, both alone. So even though I was in the public eye, I still had the ability to keep my energy within and not overextend myself to the point I felt drained. Last year I had a hard time doing that, this year I've been practicing kundalini so intensely (twice a day, most days) that its nice to see the difference in my will power.

As far as the being alone part, I think I'm mostly okay with that. My practices have helped me come to terms with that. Even though I have been spending time with that certain someone a bit more often, I'm not pushing it and trying to move faster, because I've done that before and the response is not a good one lol. But in biding my time, I was never a good one. Not so this time around. I seem to be okay with it most days, some days not so much, I am human anyway. At least partially.

My teaching has also started to shift again. Not so sure what the turning point was but I have noticed I've been laying out more alignment instructions during my flow than I was and doing more static poses. Whereas this past year has brought me back to teaching some strong vinyasa. And my physical practice has been some strong vinyasa, hmmm, maybe I'm just seeing a lot of bad alignment and its coming out automatically. Who knows. Classes have picked up attendance-wise since its been cooler.

Not much to say in the way of profundity for sure, just felt the need to write a little something acknowledging the change in the season, the changes in myself and in those around me I'm noticing.

Sat Nam!

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