Tuesday, November 29, 2011

whine, whine, whine

I've felt whiny today. I did a kriya yesterday morning to open up the energies in the lower chakras, felt awesome all day. So I did the same kriya this morning. Yuck!

The lower chakras energies are more emotional, rooted and mundane than the upper chakras for sure. But today I allowed them to get me in a funk.

I taught a class, now I feel better. I ate pizza, which always helps me feel better and am home now doing laundry. As icky as I was feeling, the idea that Abraham inspired in me of catching that feeling and taking a bounce from it, into a better feeling place, has happened. I'm getting better at this stuff! lol

Plus, I've not been enjoying my kundalini practice as much this past week, but have been enjoying my hatha yoga practice (which is more sporadic) more. I'm still doing my practice for sure, but its been like pulling teeth, so maybe I'll skip it one day (just do my 40 day) and see how it feels, experiment with myself. I am my own creation after all and I need to know how it affects me and teach from that place, right?

So, its the flow. Sometimes the tide swells, sometimes it ebbs. Its all still the ocean. Its all about being in the flow of life, likened to the flow of water in a stream or the tides of the ocean. Its always moving and swirling and flowing, in, around and through everything. So allow the flow.

Those were words for me, more than for you ! lol

I've got amazing friends, all who are feeling the flow as well and we are here for one another. My finances are coming to me through the flow as well. My life is getting bigger all the time and shrinking all the time as a part of the flow of things. Its all good. It really is...

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Tired but inspired

After just practicing with a class of mine, almost all of whom attended were personal friends, I went to eat a lovely meal by myself and am now home, showered and sleepy.

I have just read an Abraham quote that inspired me though and I decided to write. I also have a meeting with my Abraham study group this Saturday, after the looming holiday! lol. I'm actually looking forward to it for a change, I've chilled out a bit lately...

The theme of the quote was not to worry about what others think. Just concentrate on you. I think I do that, but then when it comes down to it, I don't think I do that too much. I think I just talk a good game.

How disturbing! I've always thought I was so free minded and open to things, and I am, but I still have a seed in the back of my head whispering "but what will the neighbors think?!?"

Hmmm, How does one get rid of this? Can we fight it and knock it to oblivion? NO, what we resist persists. An old adage, newly reinforced with the recent wave of Law of Attraction interest. So what to do?

Surrender... God, I know. You say the same thing I said when someone first said this word to me, what the fuck?!? How does one surrender to an idea, especially one that just creeps around the back of their mind periodically?!?!?

Admit it. TO yourself first, and then be honest about it when another asks you or mentions it. Just give in to it and it will fade away, fairly quickly.

Not just this, but anything that comes up, just let it be there. Just let it be a part of you and say screw it. It will then no longer matter. LOL. God, can it be that easy? Yes, but also having a practice of some discipline or another helps as well, but not necessary at all.

So lets all go out there and just be ourselves, fully and unabashedly this holiday. We may piss some people off, or not. It tends to piss them off less when they can sense the authenticity behind what we're saying. So just let it rip, not meaning try to piss anyone off, just meaning you'll feel better if you say the thing that you're holding back from saying and then there will be an open line of communication between you and that person that you may not have had before, or that may have been muddled before.

Whats the Yogi Bhajan quote, hmmmm, one of the 5 sutras of the Aquarian Age I think, hold on...

When the time is on you, start, and the pressure will be off.

I think in this case we could substitute the word speak and the pressure will be off. You will have let it out of your mind and released any pressure buildup there would've been if you'd just not said it and have less stress on yourself, and if they let it bring stress to them, thats for them to let go of. Its not your job!

I appreciate all you beings in my life, whether I know you personally or not, thanks for reading and being and contributing to the expansion of the universe through your continued existence... I love you!

Friday, November 11, 2011


What does this date mean to you? Not much probably, other than that its cool to have all 1's together right?

To some, its a big deal, to some its the biggest deal. We heard about the dawning of a new age, of the Age of Aquarius, way back in 1969 from 5th Dimension and the musical Hair. Back then hippie's were revolting in all sorts of ways and standing up to the government, extending their own right to do so as well, where the years before all everyone did was what they were "supposed" to do. Which was? Who the hell knows.

Along comes this man, we call him today Yogi Bhajan, to teach the hippies kundalini yoga. A yoga that gets your glandular systems and nervous system in balance much more quickly than the popular hatha yoga. Popular now, I don't know how widespread hatha was back then.

This yoga, he purported, would get your physical selves more in line with your spiritual selves in order that you would be able to handle the changes that were coming, when the Age of Aquarius actually came into play. The dawning of it that was happening back then, just meant you could see the changes already beginning. The civil unrest, the spiritual unrest and many other things that folks have been noticing since then, especially these last couple years. Especially this last week, my god! lol

I am a certified kundalini yoga teacher, and so am to be one of the ones who is helping others deal with the shifts and changes in their bodies and minds and spirits. Which I have been doing, teaching kundalini and hatha yoga both in this vein for some years now.

So, who is here for us? I know many of my peers live close to one another, in Espanola, NM or in Los Angeles, CA or any other number of places, so maybe they have support systems. I however live here in St Louis, mostly by myself. There is a small burgeoning kundalini community here but not a fully growing community, and certainly no one who's studied the teachings for a great deal longer than I have, that would qualify as someone I could lean on.

Not saying I need to lean, full-out, on anyone. The teachings do connect you to spirit more than anything else I've encountered, but sometimes it would be nice to have someone else to talk to about what I'm going through. Just sometimes.

There, I've whined enough.

Happy New Age all, embrace the changes and grow in spirit with it, don't fight it, flow!!!!

Monday, November 7, 2011


So, I'm just finding out about 3 senior Anusara teachers renouncing their Anusara certifications, so that they can just teach yoga. I'm elated! I love Ashtanga, I love Kundalini Yoga and I love Anusara yoga.

But I love them as techniques to teach you how to get in connection with your inner being, your yoga. So it makes me happy when I see things like this. Not the separation of it, but the inclusiveness of it. I love seeing that they want to make it accessible to everyone, the techniques they use to get in connection, without it having a label or a very specific focus.

This has been my goal for the past couple years. Even though in the past couple years I've been focusing on Kundalini yoga, I think mostly to get in touch with the energy movements in the body and the effect that the sound current has on the body, and how the mind is affected by both of these aspects. I also am now certified in kundalini and teach straight up classes of it, but I also am having most of my students be my hatha students who want to take it to the next level. They also are still coming to my hatha classes or vinyasa classes, whatever you feel like calling them, and seeing the benefits of connecting to the energy on the level of a kundalini yoga class, but also seeing how it applies in a more asana/vinyasa based practice. Then you're able to start tapping into the depth of it when you're moving in a vinyasa practice, once you've sat still and learned how it feels that way.

So, awesome.

I know everyone talks a great game. I teach this style of yoga but we believe everyone should get along. Rather than just getting along and supporting them, going to their classes and making it your own experience, and welcoming them when they come to yours. Yoga=union with the divine, right? So if you're divine and you're in connection with it, in your way, and I in mine, why not lets have a conversation and compare the similarities of our connections, or of our ways of connecting, rather than focusing on the differences?

I love yoga, yes its hard sometimes, yes it takes you deep into your emotions and emotional issues, which isn't always something we want to deal with, yes it can make you feel better, yes it gets your body and mind more open and available, to yourself as well as to others. And yes, sometimes its the last thing you want to do, but always most people feel better afterwards. Always, you feel more connected, to what you ask? To what? Ask yourself that, not me. I know what I feel, and if am in your vicinity can often tell what you're feeling, but it most likely makes you feel differently than it makes me feel. So use it, in whatever way it works for you, tune in, tap in and turn yourself on.

Its not time anymore for our light switches to be left off, its time for us all to turn them on, and find the way for our inner light to shine out. And if yoga is one of those ways, use it, do it, be it and live it. If music is one of those things, use it, play it, be in it, and live it. Hell, if music within yoga is one of those things . . .

You get the point right?

Sat nam all you beautiful beings and happy Age of Aquarius as of this Friday!