Monday, August 29, 2011

End of August . . .

Wow, its been a while since I last wrote. I was gone three weeks in June for the 3HO Summer Solstice celebration, and when I got back I went straight into moving and just got my internet back on, just now! So yay!!!

The summer solstice event was amazing, my heart opened in ways I never thought it would, I fell in love, sort of with a fellow kundalini yogi, he however did not lol. Not to matter, I still enjoyed the feeling of the emotions whether they were reciprocated or not. And when I got home the move flowed smoothly and I made lots of money as soon as I got here, mostly because I was so open and allowing of the flow of things. I soon fell back into the murky water though, but am working on allowing the flow to happen again and its happening, slowly lol.

So, now I have these ideas of moving and a friend who is really trying to talk me into moving to LA. I'm in love with the idea of being in California, just not necessarily LA. But they have a huge yoga scene, especially a huge kundalini yoga scene, which is ideal and makes me happy to think about. So that could be a great option. The only problem is I won't have income once I'm there for a bit, but I'll have to talk to her about that.

I've also got reservations because things are going so well for me here now, finally. There is a restaurant, Pura Vegan, that is going to have a yoga studio as part of it. I'm getting to know the person running it and she is very supportive and becoming a great friend, so I will be teaching there on Fridays for Happy Hour yoga, kundalini! Just another of the many great opportunities opening up to me here.

So who knows what to do, I need to just meditate, get out of my own way and allow it to unfold the way it will, and so I will. Just right now I've got a lot coming up and so I'm thinking waaayyyy too much lol.

Off to meditate, then lunch. Have an amazing day! Its gorgeous here finally!