Thursday, January 20, 2011


Well, on winter solstice I had the most awful, violent upheavals. Vomit and diarrhea. I know, I know. I thought it was from food poisoning, mostly because there was a definitive end to it, but there was more going on.

I had been angry and uptight, upset and crabby for a few weeks before, having lots of energetic upheaval from the previous couple of training weekends stirring up emotional stuff. So that day I was primed for a major release and according to my friend who is into vedic astrology, that was the day it happened on for everyone. A full moon, solstice and a lunar eclipse all on the same day!

So, I had been nervous about Friday, which was Christmas eve, because of family and all that. The release I had from the physical affected me on a deeper level somehow. I let go of all of the ideas I had about what would happen. Went to my mothers early, thoroughly enjoyed her and she enjoyed me and then spent the evening with dad and all went well there too.

So, since then I've had some major turnabouts in my disposition. I've felt better, happier, more energetic, even more wise (if thats possible lol) and have enjoyed teaching more than I ever have before.

The kundalini teacher training has made me a better hatha yoga teacher and in my excitement to teach even hatha yoga, my students have responded better to my teaching and I'm relating better to them and feeling the joy of the relationship between them and themselves on a deeper level, between me and their deeper selves and all sorts of stuff! lol

This year feels great to me, even though we have 10 inches of snow today, even though its been overcast for days. I'm teaching more kundalini classes than ever and getting an awesome response and my hatha classes are better attended. Its all yoga, so from now on I'll just say my yoga classes, all inclusive!

I feel like I'm rambling but I also feel like I have so much more to say but my roommate is sitting here and keeps talking to me so I'm distracted. Maybe more later. Sat nam!!!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year

Usually the new year means not so much to me, every day really being an opportunity for a new beginning, as I see it.

THis year feels different though. In the teachings of Yogi Bhajan the Age of Aquarius comes in fully on NOvember 1st of this year, so 11-1-11 and today is 1-1-11, similar huh? And so, also in the teachings, this year is going to be the year of sooo much going on, things coming into our consciousness at full speed, all the time. The weather going haywire (ring a bell? Umm, 65 degrees and tornadoes yesterday, today back to the usual 20s and 30s?). People seeming to go haywire too? Maybe, but I perceived, as I sat this morning at Starbucks, that everyone was in an amazing mood and full of joy. And who cares if that was just my perception, its a good one to have!

I seem to all of a sudden be teaching 4 kundalini yoga classes at studios, starting in a couple weeks, after having none but the one at my house for donations. So the teachings are being required, more and more, and I have a full schedule of hatha yoga classes, or rather my take on hatha lol, as well as two more traditional classes of ashtanga vinyasa yoga, so prosperity is in route! FInancial prosperity anyway, I already have much in my life to be in appreciation of--friends, family and self discipline among them.

So, in a short bit I am off to teach the kick off the year class at Southtown Yoga, which should be packed and a lot of fun. Great students there and my intent is to get some pranayama going and throw lots of stuff in there that will keep them on their toes, get their nervous systems prepared for the times that are here now, no longer just coming, but here. We have to be on top of it!

I feel amazing and as if I'm drawing to me all the things I've been wanting and being in appreciation of the things that are already here. This journey is a marvelous one, even during the times like two weeks ago when my sacrum popped out of place and made my consciousness have to go to a new place to relax it enough so it went back it and then the following week I had the most violent food poisoning I've ever had.

Those violent expulsions from my physical apparatus also felt like an energetic cleansing, getting absolutely every bit of ick out of every little corner, literally and figuratively, so that I can build a much more joyous and loving structure in its place and this time, not a structure that is set, that is solid, but one that is maleable and open to the evolution that will be and is required of it right now and in the coming weeks, months, even years. It feels wonderful to feel this and to be conscious of the feeling of it, even more so.

So, whats on tap for you all?