Friday, June 27, 2014

Manifesting Mysore

So, on Facebook many people I'm connecting with are authorized or certified teachers in the Ashtanga Yoga tradition and for them Sharath is doing a special teacher training in July and August, and many of them are there and are posting pics already.

It excites me to see this because now I know where these places are that I'm seeing, I've been there, or have been close in person. Which makes me excited to go back.

When I got home I devised a plan to teach and then to save all donations from the park and go back to Mysore in November and December, coming home in January sometime. But so far I've had to use the donations from the park to live off of and haven't put any of it away. So, starting soon I'm going to do just that and visualize and feel Mysore all around me so that I can make it happen again.

I thought of doing another gofundme campaign as well, and I know some people who even have spiritual sponsors that are funding their yoga journeys, there are many ways to do this. But I think I'd like to teach yoga and let the yoga pay for another yoga trip. Typically in St. Louis yoga teachers don't make that much money being the problem there. I'm really not opposed to having a sponsor, so if you want private lessons for the rest of your life and want to pay for me to go to Mysore peridiocally, applications now being accepted! lol

This isn't going to be a long post, I just wanted to share how excited I am to teaching Ashtanga Yoga and in order to keep up my practice and be a better teacher I need to keep going to Mysore and furthering my experience within the Ashtanga Yoga system with my teacher there, and thinking of that excites me too.

Come to class and help me get back to India so that I can come back again and be more and more excited to teach you guys, I love this stuff!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

back to "normal" ... ?

So, I've had a few different discussions this week that have pointed to getting to feeling back to normal. Normal to me is better put in quotes like in the title of this article, because what is normal? It is a relative term, right?

I think so because what is normal for me, is not normal for you or anyone else, nor should it be.

But, the big question is, as we move through this life and if you're practicing yoga, and I'm talking about yoga, not just asana (although asana tends to lead you into a deeper place that makes you take interest in the fuller aspects of yoga if you're open to it) as it's meant to be practiced in the east with the fullness of your being seeking liberation then you are trying to remove the veils, koshas in Sanskrit.

Veils you ask? I never thought of it like this before, even though I've read plenty of scripture that uses this terminology, I don't think we get it until we GET it, have that aha moment. Mine was yesterday.

So the idea is that we are spirit, a bright shining soul that is powerful and glowing with this inner power. As we come to the earth to inhabit a body we are cloaked in veil after veil of heavier and heavier substance until we basically forget we are the soul and identify with only the body and the material things in front of our face. But the Eastern traditions have many spiritual paths that are meant to unveil us so that we realize again that we are this bright, shiny spirit underneath it all. And you know those people who are on that path, they do have a glow and you can feel their energy when they walk into the room and the more veils they've uncloaked themselves from the bigger that energy is.

So as I started the practice of yoga and began to have little aha moments, little realizations towards this end, I thought of it as transforming myself into a new bright and shiny being, but the converse is true I now believe.

I am slowly uncovering the true me and the further and further I unveil the more different I feel and the more different I feel and the more different I feel, and even bigger, the more different those around me respond to me.

So, in a conversation back to normal came up, but I said to myself, what if back to normal is not an option. If as is said, the only constant is change, and we as yogis are meant to be able to adapt to any situation as it comes up and be equanimous in each situation, then aren't we also meant to be okay with whom we are as we unveil our true self? And I mean as we truly are.

Think of a lamp and you've put many cloths over it it create a mood, so its still light in the room even though it's dark outside, but it's darker and even a bit green, red or whatever the color the veils you've put over it are. But you remove one, notice the difference, it's lighter, but still a mood albeit a different mood than before, and then another, and another. The mood slightly shifts as each piece of cloth is taken away. BUT as you remove each piece of cloth the room becomes more the room as it is normally before you put all those veils over it. The light bulb is your true self, your "normal" self, not what you thought was you as you were before you began removing the veils when you started your practice of yoga, or Buddhist meditation, or Kabbalah, or whatever you're doing that's bringing you closer to your true self. So will you ever get back to the "normal" that you originally meant? I hope to hell not, you've taken all this time to work in the direction you are going, so normal will be constantly changing until you unveil the bare light bulb which I don't even know if it's possible while we're in a body to do so, but we can get as close as we can.

So, next time you use that phrase "I can't wait to get back to normal." Think about it, do you really want that? Nah, you want the new normal and the next normal and the constant evolution of what that means at that moment, not what you were way back when. Don't you?

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Slow going...

So, when I got home from India my plan was to get my classes going again, start the income flowing and then when the park started I could put that money directly in the bank and use it to go back to India in the fall/winter. The park class is a donation based class and while I don't make good money per student, probably only about 60% actually donate, it's an hour class and I can make decent money.

So far that class has been amazing, lots of people great donations, great questions after and this year I have some great assistants to help them out, with over 200-over 300 coming weekly I can't help them all. So, no complaints on that front at all. But my classes at studios have been slow, so slow. What's going on? I'm not a person who believes in lack and I do believe there is more than enough for everyone, so the fact that many of the older teachers in town have been complaining that there are just too many teachers being pumped out doesn't usually bother me. All this while they are doing teacher trainings to keep their studios afloat mind you lol.

So what is it? I've changed, I know that, and the students here have too. The ones who are coming are strong and eager for the deeper work they're doing with the primary series, so, it's me... Has to be.

Not me in the way you think I'm saying, I'm not saying I suck and no one wants to take my class. I like me and think I'm moving in the direction that fuels my fire, but I've just been in a lackful state of mind for a while.

Before I left, I was so excited and in that excitement was inviting abundance from the universe and got it, now, not so much.

I am getting back to feeling better and in feeling better can cultivate that excitement again that will draw more profitability to me and then I'll be good again.

No, dammit, I'm good again now. Intentionality has to be in the present and forward not when I get there I'll get this, so I'm good now. The universe is flowing and is abundant and has enough to give me to live off of, to put away for India and to just put away for a rainy day. It has enough to send me all around the globe if I so choose, I just have to make up my mind about where I want to go and buy the ticket!

Money comes to me easily and often, money comes to me easily and often, money comes to me easily and often!!!