Thursday, December 16, 2010


Ice storm last night, very peaceful, but of course one must scrape the hell out of the car to get it in a shape to see out the windows first, then its peaceful, driving with not many on the road.

I have a little sacrum issue going on, so I did a kriya with my roommie this morning that was for nerve, navel and lower spine strength and it seemed to work wonders. My class at Yogasource was canceled because the room was being repaired, so I went to Starbucks, got my chai, read a bit, talked with this guy who is a nurse but is always asking me tons of questions when we're both in there, today it was about my book, Meditation as Medicine. Interesting talks with him, even though he talks a bit too much ! lol, And this other guy, Jerry. Nice guy, tall, gay with two kids, hairdresser, but you'd never peg him as one. Looks Bosnian but has no accent. (For those not in the area, there are many immigrant Bosnians here, we lobbied for them to come here during the Bosnia/Herzegovena (sp?) war).

Then drove to the Loop to meet Lynn for lunch at a great Persian restaurant that I love, Ranoush. As I'm driving down Lindell, I notice the peace I feel, and then I look around and notice that everything looks different to me. Not sure in what way, just different. Brighter maybe, clearer maybe. With that lower but constant vibration that is so prevelant in winter. Hmmm. We talk about energy, she's ready a book called the Subtle Body, all about the energy channels and compiles it from every system of energy clearing on the planet, very nice. I'll have to get it. Very lovely being, love her, and a very lovely conversation.

Still I'm noticing all this peace around everything around me and within me. Peace. NO turmoil, none. Just feeling the flow within and without, if there is a without. Feeling the love from each being, including myself. Not overwhelmingly, like I guess I keep thinking I'm supposed to be, but just constant, a flow of it in, around and about.

Its nice. I like it. I think I'll try to maintain this, or rather allow it to maintain itself, trying hasn't been working for me, allowing is the key. Allow myself to feel whatever comes up and be okay with it, maybe thats the key to peace? Allowance? Interesting thought . . .

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


So, how do we all feel about these holidays? Holiday being a run-together of the two words holy and days right? So what is so holy about these days anymore?

It seems to be the focus that everyone has to get something for someone else instead of the focus on the meaning behind the holiday and the connection to the divine within you and the connection between that expression of divinity and the expressions within your physical family and spritual family have gotten all switched around. Did I type that out right? Oh who cares, I think you get the drift.

I love my family, blood family that is, but they like to buy things for you and thats how they express their appreciation for you over this particular Christian holiday anyway, and I don't care about that stuff. Just love me unconditionally and I will do the same for you and we'll all be fine.

I also have family that is not blood, my friends who I have chosen to have in my life, my spiritual family through my yoga, kundalini or hatha, my Sikh family which is growing by leaps and bounds. They are just as important to me. I also must say, I spent the first 40 years with the blood family, so why am I made to feel bad that I prefer my chosen, spiritual family to be around these days? They fulfill me in many ways, mostly because they recognize the spirit in themselves and want to share that with me, and at the same time I'm working my best to connect with the spirit within me and share that with them as well.

I am also working on sharing that spirit unconditionally with everyone else as well, its just easier with them because the dialog is already there, no explanations needed, which is nice. Well, better than that, its awesome.

The teachings of Yogi Bhajan I'm learning on these teacher training trips is bringing up a lot of my old shit that was buried long ago, and helping me to transmute the energy that went into holding it down, into a flow of energy through my being, through my life even, making me a better friend to everyone in my life. I'm super appreciative of that, even if it gets tiring to be doing the work all the time, at least now I see some change, some growth, and am reinspired to keep it going. They work, they are weird sometimes, sometimes tiring, sometimes not. SOmetimes they make utmost sense while they are being used, sometimes the meaning is illusive, but the end result always comes together and I can say I fell better than I felt before having done it.

I also am seeing it help others as I begin to teach it more and more. I also am seeing now why its not so popular here in St Louis, because it does dredge up your shit. Most have buried that stuff and do not want to see it again, but that is like having a wound and covering it over with a bandaid and then the skin growing over the bandaid. Its still there and always will be, even if only on a cellular level, your body holds onto those old stories or old abuses or self judgments deep in the subconscious. Why would you NOT want to dig down and roto root that stuff out, get a new start by allowing the energy around that issue to flow, rather than fester and stagnate, and allow that thing to leave you, mentally and physically? Why not? Somebody tell me, I'm really asking you!

So, my work is to be excited enough to inspire others to try it and not to judge them if they don't want to, but to just be the brightest light I can at all times and lead by example. Be the lighthouse my friend named his book, and so I shall do my best to be!

Sat nam all, enjoy this internalized time with yourself and your loved ones and even those you may not love so much, find the divine within them especially and be kind and peaceful in that face of any drama that comes up. No judgment of yourself or others! Sat Siri Akal!!!

Sat Inder S. Khalsa