Monday, August 12, 2013

Holding the space...

What does this phrase mean to you? To most yoga teachers it means we, as we enter the room to teach are fully in control of the energy in the room, which also means as people come in from their day, they may be in a shitty place from work, or from an argument with their spouse, or they may be hyped up from too much coffee, or too much stimulation of their nervous system from what they've done all day long, or many, many other options. Pick one. The point being that they are coming to you to help teach them techniques that will make them feel better and more balanced, and in that reliance they are giving themselves to you.

In their giving themselves to you, you are responsible for them in a way not many other people will ever be. So, its your duty to serve that need in them.

So in a way, holding the space is being the most selfless being you can be, taking in the energy of the group, and it will most likely be as scattered as can be, channeling it and moving it on out and moving them through to the better feeling place.

I'm writing this mostly in response to a student in my teacher training program at Yogasource, who also happens to be a great friend of mine, who had no clue what this phrase meant.

I had used it in response to how tired I was after having taught the teacher training by myself on Saturday from 8:30-5:30, and that while I was also holding the space for the park class that they attended which had over 230 people in it! But then I also taught my class on Sunday which the trainees also attended and then had them again fro 2 more hours after.

He, being used to working a corporate job for over 8 hours a day didn't understand why I was so drained after only such a short time, so this is why.

Now, don't get me wrong. I love teaching the training that whole time, this is a great group but they are also all strong in their own right, so have lots of big energy to contain, and I was responsible for that, so today my body was having none of the idea of me practicing and teaching. I rescheduled a private and took it easy most of the day, teaching my evening class and doing well, but now I'm more tired.

On top of that I also had my 7th rolfing session this morning which is when they open up your sinuses, your gums, your whole head and neck and shoulders, so was a bit loopy, which made me more tired! lol, but its all good.

My life is getting busier and busier, but all doing things I love, private lessons teaching Ashtanga, training people to be teachers, teaching my classes which I love, and especially teaching more and more Ashtanga (which is my passion)and even teaching an Ashtanga class to only teachers that is awesome as well as getting deeper and deeper into my own practice of asana and meditation. I really must say, I can't complain. When you're doing what you love, you make time and space to do all these things and as you get more and more appreciative of doing what you love, more and more comes your way, money, classes, private lessons, whatever it is that you love.

So figure out what you love, and do it!

As Guruji often said "Practice, Practice, Practice, Practice ... all is coming."

Yes Guruji, I now am just starting to get what you mean by all...