Friday, June 27, 2014

Manifesting Mysore

So, on Facebook many people I'm connecting with are authorized or certified teachers in the Ashtanga Yoga tradition and for them Sharath is doing a special teacher training in July and August, and many of them are there and are posting pics already.

It excites me to see this because now I know where these places are that I'm seeing, I've been there, or have been close in person. Which makes me excited to go back.

When I got home I devised a plan to teach and then to save all donations from the park and go back to Mysore in November and December, coming home in January sometime. But so far I've had to use the donations from the park to live off of and haven't put any of it away. So, starting soon I'm going to do just that and visualize and feel Mysore all around me so that I can make it happen again.

I thought of doing another gofundme campaign as well, and I know some people who even have spiritual sponsors that are funding their yoga journeys, there are many ways to do this. But I think I'd like to teach yoga and let the yoga pay for another yoga trip. Typically in St. Louis yoga teachers don't make that much money being the problem there. I'm really not opposed to having a sponsor, so if you want private lessons for the rest of your life and want to pay for me to go to Mysore peridiocally, applications now being accepted! lol

This isn't going to be a long post, I just wanted to share how excited I am to teaching Ashtanga Yoga and in order to keep up my practice and be a better teacher I need to keep going to Mysore and furthering my experience within the Ashtanga Yoga system with my teacher there, and thinking of that excites me too.

Come to class and help me get back to India so that I can come back again and be more and more excited to teach you guys, I love this stuff!

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