Sunday, August 16, 2009

wow, has it been over a month since I last made an entry on here? I guess so. I have sooo much floating around in my head these past few weeks and usually wait for it to formulate into something but its not congealing! So maybe I'll just type and see what comes of it.

I've been noticing a lot lately that I keep drawing more and more interesting people into my life. Most recently I have been accosted with people from high school finding me on Facebook and requesting to be my friend. At first this was anethema to me since I hated school and only really had a couple friends whom were already my Facebook friends (yes Stacey and Amy, you are two of them). So one day I took a leap and started a conversation with one of them, this was a few months ago. He ended up being someone that I would actually chose to be my friend in real life now, so I start thinking that maybe since I've evolved and become so different than back then that everyone else might have done the same? And could possibly be very interesting people now? Hmmm, what novel idea!

So it happened again today and has happened in between quite a bit too. Its nice to see that we all had ideas of ourselves and others back then that everyone else didn't have. You thought they were talking about you and making fun of you behind your back and yet they were just thinking the same thing or had so much drama at home that you didn't even register on their radar, or some shit like that. What egotists we are to think we're all so important to everyone else when we're really only important to ourselves, especially as hormone enraged teenagers!

So today a student of mine, whom is also a teacher, told me how important and powerful my classes are to her. She said all these people go out of town to study with these big name yoga teachers and look what we have right here in town! Why not learn what you can from the teachers in your own vicinity? I appreciate that sooo much. It makes me feel like I'm doing something right. I strive to not just teach a physical fitness class and to get across the ideas that we are doing this physical practice for so many more reasons that just what it does for our body but what it does for our mind and spirit and not to mention the connection to the greater source we receive when we are totally present in it. And she was very eager to tell me that I do that and do it very accessibly. Again, thanks so much!

I really do have some amazing students that put so much into their practice, I can never be grateful enough to them for all that they give me in return!

Anyhow, I threw that in there to expound upon the idea that none of us really know what others think of us. We, most of the time, don't know what we think of ourselves for gods sake! So you sitting there feeling sorry for yourself, think about that maybe there is someone out there that just thinks you're the shit. Or they are so painfully attracted to you and unable to say anything because of fear, or maybe even in love with you and think it unwise to express it or anything along those lines. Just saying that what we think of ourselves may not be the opinion of those all around you.

Not saying you should be influenced by what anyone else thinks of you, maybe appreciative of it, but just think of that to make yourself feel better maybe when you're down or maybe when you're up and want to feel even better. There are people out there in your life who may uplift you just by what they think of you.

I myself use yoga to keep myself trained in feeling pretty damn good. Kundalini yoga does it more quickly than hatha, and more fully, but hatha is a good tool for this as well. And so I'm glad I can teach it and have people appreciate the way I present yoga. I can't present it any other way than the way it resonates within me, so I'm glad people find it helpful and fulfilling and have learned how to find their own connection from it.

Okay, off to do a kundalini kriya as a matter of fact. So I'll write some more tomorrow maybe. Got a lot in there right now, so want to see what else can come out. Hav ea great one!!!

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