Monday, November 16, 2015

beginning the third week here..

So this is the third week I'm here, but the second full week of practicing in the shala has just completed. This time the practice is like I'm going backwards instead of progressing forward. Back bending has been phenomenal but twisting and binding has almost felt as it its impossible.

I just talked with a lady who is here for her first time and she was saying, its like I'm taking one step forward and then two steps back. And I'll be damned it that didn't manifest in my body that same week lol. We'll see how this week goes, its a full 6 day week, so no interruptions and that usually helps sort me out, today being the first led class of the week, the next four days will be Mysore style practice ending with another led primary series class.

Another thing has been the emotions coming up. Last Wednesday was the new moon and it was intense the day after and Friday with emotional release after I'd practice, so I took my own version of a ladies holiday on Saturday and Sunday is our normal day off. Shhhhh, don't tell Sharath, he hasn't asked me about it yet.

My friend and student who is here with me has also had a trying time with getting sick a few times already and having family stuff going on back home, so I think this trip is going to be a doozy. A lot of stuff coming up to see how we deal with it, but then I guess each time has its stuff. Last trip was my back and diarrhea, the first one was my weight and anger. I'll let this one unfold and not try to label what it's throwing at me, just try to receive it and be present with whatever comes up.

I thought I had a lot more to write but apparently I don't. I'm sure there will be much more to come, but we'll see.

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