Saturday, May 27, 2017

Eye of the Hurricane

It's a short chapter but I remember reading it years back, it even mentions the side glance of Kali having the power of lightning. So Kali gives side eye as well?!? No wonder I'm so drawn to her lol...

But the relevance of the chapter never stuck out so strongly today. So I envisioned a hurricane, just as the title suggests, and the eye of it. When you're in the eye you think you are safe. And you are, but there is a storm all around you, a very destructive one to be exact.

I also started remembering times in my life where I felt as if I were in a maelstrom and what happened. I always got really quiet, went inside, felt peaceful and almost more safe than before. Was able to sit back and look at the storm as it was going on around me, transforming things, shifting them, making them expand or completely destroying them to make room for something new.

Does this mean I'm naturally a yogi? Who knows, maybe karmically they'd say I was a yogi in another life and so did the work to get to that place then and so now its a bit easier for me to achieve. I have done a lot of work for a long time so at some point this should have been something I achieved I would think. But is it always that way? No, of course not. The work is never done.A calm centre within the middle of the storm of life, that is where "we" really reside, is it not? I think so. We are observers, having the experience but being of it and also not of it. And ideally we ought to be able to find our way back to that spot when needed.

So immediately I was tested, a thing happened that pulled me into the tumult and I got in it and messy for a bit. I caught that I was doing that and just observed for a minute, it got a bit ugly and felt awful inside, but I was able to pull myself back to the quiet centre and let go of it to a degree. Funny isn't it how that happens?

It's the way its supposed to be, we manifest the things that are going on inside of us, outside of us. Wait, didn't I write a blog about that?!? Yes, so I won't get into that again. Everything is showing you where you are, everything. People, events, the weather, birds shitting on you, or not, etc. So take heed of everything, notice where you are and how you've been feeling when something happens that draws you into it, rather than being able to stay back and be in the calm place.

That's why I like the yoga, not just the asana (and yes look around, I did an asana shoot so pics are coming out there again) but all parts of it. Yes in our system of Ashtanga Yoga we start with the asanas to bring us deeply into a state of awareness and consciousness that noticing the things will be easier, so its a great place to start. But the work isn't just there, it's everywhere and in everything and all the fucking time!

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