Friday, November 21, 2014

Oh my aching back...

So, I've been having trouble with my back again. It happened last time as well, but it was different. This time it's been pretty intense but I had a friend work on my fascia and it loosened things up and felt better for practice on Thursday, then today I was awakened in the middle of the night by a screeching monkey (I think there's a trouble making one or a crazy one that lives around here because they are usually quiet and this one keeps causing trouble with the others and wakes me up in the process, three nights now since I moved into this place) and was unable to get back to sleep right away so when my alarm woke me up for the led class this morning (and yes I was going to go, my back had been feeling better) I remember it going off and hitting the snooze, but at some point must have turned it off and so slept in until 7, too late to get to the class. So, from sleeping so long it was achey again and I went to have an Ayurvedic oil massage and steam box, which helped me a lot last time. It also just helped me again, although now I feel drugged and am staying in for the evening instead of going to the Green Hotel with friends.

Anyhow, I'm here to practice with my teacher and so get irritated when things like this happen, we have two days off this weekend in a row, so today would've been my last time until Monday. But since I had today off I'll practice Sunday and that'll give me a chance to dig in and see how the body is feeling before the quicker paced led class with Sharath on Monday, so it all works out for the best.

So, the massage. Last time I was here earlier this year I'd read an authorized teachers blog about her boyfriend going through this Ayurvedic consultation and all that, about his experience with pancha karma and oil massage and the steam box and knew that I had to try it, so I found a place right near the shala to do it and found out that it was amazing and I did it three times while I was here. So this time after I remembered how much it helped me last time booked an appointment and went. The realization, booking and massage all happened today btw lol...

You come in and take off your clothes, three young men are there and one of them ties the smallest little gauze string around your waist and then over your parts and between your legs then up the crack, front and back hooking under the string around your waist. This thing really covers nothing, so I'm not sure why the bother but I'm sure a big part of it is there idea of decency and such, they are very strict and a bit uptight about covering yourself here. Anyhow, so then they sit you down and pour oil on your head, rubbing it in and all around your scalp, neck, shoulders, chest and face, for quite a long time. I find this to be almost the best part of the massage. it feels very nurturing and like you're really doing something to take care of yourself, it's lovely, then they lay you on a wooden table and put cushy pads under your joints and two of the young men (there are ladies if your are female) begin to apply oil and then in deep, sweeping motions rub the oil into your body. Deep meaning deep, they rub and rub and rub and rub and rub and rub (get the picture?) in swirling, very specific, repetitive movements for a long time, on your belly, chest and arms then the legs and feet, then over again in the same pattern. They lift your limbs and rub and rub and rub it into your armpits, your joints, your fingers and toes and keep rubbing and rubbing, really sweeping and sweeping, but deeply, is the better term. They then turn you over and do it again on the back of your body, systematically, legs and buttocks, arms and back, neck and head even more, more legs and buttocks, arms and back. It's for an hour and a half that this goes on. All this motion done in specific way to move the energy towards your heart and swirl your heart energy and open it up, but it also makes you feel dreamy and as if you're not human anymore and/or not of this world at all. It's completely consuming. Then they stick you in a steam box with your head sticking out of a hole and wrap the hole with a towel around your neck so that the steam stays in the box and bake you for a good long time, 20 minutes at least but its timed by how much sweat they see pouring from your face. I personally know the rubbing and the specific oils they use are great and loosen up any tension, but believe it's this steamy part of the process that really gets the oil into your pores and into you your joints, into your muscles and releases everything. It may be the most import part of the process, is what I'm trying to say.

So, I leave after they attempt to towel all the oil off, leaving your clothing smelling like sesame oil and drippy, to walk back out into India, but when seeing it form this dreamy state, it is wonderful and seems to be like watching a movie. Today, even though I was all oily, I walked to Sri Durga for a dosa and chai and then home. Knowing that if I went home to shower first I'd not be getting back out and would be hungry, so took care of it before.

Then home and showered I'm ready to stay in and relax, but end up chatting and writing this before reading and chilling out.

Sharath talked a lot last conference about only using these things as tools when they were needed, if the asana practice wasn't doing the healing, then you turn to Ayurveda to heal any problems, so that's what I did. The asana practice here is just more intense than at home and possibly because someone I respect as a teacher is watching me and I'm "trying" harder, but also because the energy in that room is just bigger and faster and stronger than me at home on my own. So in being more intense it just takes me deeper, physically, mentally and energetically, than otherwise would be and so this little bit of love was needed. I feel great and will practice Sunday, since technically I'll have had my two days off today and tomorrow, and see how it goes and if more is needed, but I have faith that all this will work itself out and I'll get further into the process of yoga, not just asana, but yoga, here this time than last time even.

That's why I wanted to be here longer this time, to go deeper and to let this thing I call me unravel and really see what I'm made of. To learn to surrender and let go even more deeply than before and see what sort of growth and expansion come as a result.

I love this place more than I thought I would, it makes me happy being here. I love this hard ass asana practice much more than I ever did before and I love all the people here I'm having experiences with, including Sharath, and am ready for more!

P.S. If you get a chance, read this blog, This fellow much like me has been practicing for many years and yet has just decided to come here and study with Sharath and is having much the same experience that I am, it's quite inspiring and makes me even more glad that I've started coming.

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