Monday, September 8, 2014


So, I went to Chicago with a friend to see Esther Hicks channel Abraham this past weekend. It was my third time seeing this phenomenon but I will say it was the best.

The best why? Because it was everything I needed to hear about my self, my life and what to do to move forward in it and with others.

I've realized after my India trip that Ashtanga Yoga is my path, but I must also realize that these teachings on the Law of Attraction are just as much my path. That just means I'll be tapping into Source more often to get a read on how to move forward in each step of my life. I don't have to hear Esther speak Abraham's words, because I have the ability to listen to my instincts and emotions in the way they have taught me to and that is listening to Source, just as much as hearing the words come out of Esther's mouth.

This next trip to India will be amazing because I'm basing it on what my inner being tells me every step of the way and from the day forward, to the best of my ability, I'm going to be moving forward from this same place in all of my life.

It's time I grow up and take responsibility for my decisions and how my life unfolds, I know how this stuff works and the Ashtanga has given me the strong awareness that can keep me tapped into how I'm feeling enough for me to be guided into bigger and better things, more and more and more and draw the things to me that I want in life. Abundance in every area; money, love, friendships, even in my yoga practice!

So now, here I am and you need to start expecting amazing things from me and if they don't start manifesting come up and ask me why they aren't, hold me to it!