Sunday, September 30, 2012


I haven't felt like posting in a while, not because I don't have anything to say, but because I've been having profound experiences in my asana practice and just don't have the words for them.

Then last weekend I got to Chicago to take a Mysore class at Moksha, which was awesome, and then heard Abraham speak on Saturday. I didn't ask a question, but I didn't have to. Everything I wanted to know came out in the conversation, and the energy in the room was the most profound experience I've ever had, or rather, feeling the energy in the room. My friend even told me she got a contact high and felt better after being around me once I got back Saturday night, so there's something to it

So, I still don't have much to say, sorry. Still processing maybe? Or maybe there's just not anything to be said, its an experience and that experience is still moving through me, and maybe it will stay that way, or maybe it will pass and then I'll have some major things come out.

Who knows, I feel great, my practice is great, my teaching feels great. Life is great!

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