Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Still the theme of my life these days, more so of my practice. Just go through the sequence, allow the mind to tell you stories about how much you need to stop, and keep going. Breath more deeply, draw from that inner source and go. Its working, today second series practice, at the studio, was much easier to get through and wasn't just getting through it, it was enjoyable and I even got to do the full pranayama sequence after, it was great. Then I taught Seabrook through the second series, which is interesting to see where someone else's issues pop up. Adam was there and he barely made it through half of primary series because he's not surrendering, but fighting it, all the way. And not practicing daily, which is a key component of this practice. Its hard, but if you go through it daily, it slowly opens up your physical body, which opens up your mind, which opens up your energy channels and once that energy starts flowing, its amazing and you feel as if you can accomplish anything! Of course, today I feel as if I can accomplish anything, but just after I take a nap lol. So let go. Using the practice as a microcosm to the macrocosm of your life, surrender, let go on the mat. Allow the difficulties to come up, to be there, and still make your way through it. Then as your day unfolds, allow whatever comes up to simply be what it is, and still go through your day, find thoughts that make you feel better and things that make you feel better will pop up. Don't let things become issues, and they only can become issues when you're resisting them, whatever they may be. Allow, as Abraham likes to say. Allow, allow you life to unfold and make your work paying attention to what makes you feel good, or even great, and distracting yourself by finding better feeling things to think about when in the midst of something that may not make you feel so great. It sounds easy, and it can be, once you've practiced it a while. Just like an asana practice, when you've done it for years, certain things should become easier. So like body, like mind. When you've trained yourself to think better things and to allow good feelings to abound, then it becomes easier to take yourself away from thoughts that don't make you feel so good. Yoga really is about getting the mind under control anyway: Yoga Sutra 1.2, Yogas chitta vrtti nirodhah; Yoga is the cessation of the fluctuations of the mind. So make your yoga all day long, what are you thinking right now?!?

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