Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Practice, practice, practice...

This trip has been very different for me, not sure of all the reasons just yet, but they are there. One thing is my wrist is jacked up, but its slowly healing. Have to take care with that one, we use our wrists A LOT in this practice. So my ego has been poked already around what I think my practice is supposed to look and feel like, which has so far been a good thing.

One thing that's surprising to me is how much I'm looking forward to practicing each morning. I just like being in that room and there is a whole different group this year, well, not all different, but there are many new faces and they seem to be much better behaved than the other groups I've encountered in past trips. Including going in at the gate each morning, it's been not a heart wrenching nervous system jarring experience, it's been quite pleasant and calm mostly, even on led days. And speaking of led class, I'm enjoying them for a change and have been able to get in the room each time, not just been relegated to the change room.

People here seem to be socializing a bit less, less people in the cafes most of the day, not including Santosha in the mornings which has been busy. But not as much going out and about, and that's okay too.

I've taken to visiting the area temples more this trip, much like the end of my last trip. And am getting a lot out of it, more encouragement and welcomeness from the locals too. Not they ever made me feel unwelcome, just looked at me like wtf? lol, but not this time, it's been amazing.

Also, I'm eating less. Not interested in being super full and eating things with more nutrients I think has helped that too. But I feel much more energized, maybe putting that stuff about diet I learned back in the US before I came has been helping that too, interesting to use my body as the experiment and seeing where it takes me. I like having more energy and I like not feel super full all the time, or excruciatingly hungry, as I used to.

Not much more to say right now. Not a lot of deep stuff coming up for me yet, not that it won't, it usually does, but that I'm in a different place so its not affecting me as much maybe? Or maybe I've just not dug deep enough yet? Or maybe I should just enjoy it either way...

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