Well, on Friday I will apply to go to Mysore again and further studies with Sharath, more chanting lessons with Ranjini and/or Jayashree, and many other experiences. I am not anxious about it, I feel it will happen, but have chatted with many of my friends from around the globe who are anxious and excited and ready to register already. I am that, I am ready. I love it there and have written about it many, many times, so won't bore you again with that.
The thing that is concerning me is that this year I may not be able to afford the trip. The first trip I took I did a gofundme and made enough to cover the expenses and have a bit for my return home, it worked out well. Last year when I went I went earlier, directly after the summer where I make donations for a large park class I teach and I was on staff for a local teacher training which I had many hours in and so made enough to do the trip on my own and I stayed longer. I ended up having some money stolen and some ripped $100 bills, which are a big no no over there when trying to exchange it, so fell short on cash but had friends and family back home who helped me out with sending funds which was a godsend and I deeply appreciated it.
Upon my return home I quit teaching everywhere I had been teaching and threw all in with a new studio a friend was opening, for fresh blood so to speak. But more so because I wanted to set up a Mysore program and teach this Ashtanga Yoga that I love so much in the traditional way and give it my all. So I am making less money than usual, but have a great core group of individuals who are coming daily and am much more fulfilled by my teaching these days. But also, since I left the studio I was on staff leading the teacher training for I was not allowed to teach that again this year, which was a bigger blow to my income and to the money I could put aside for my impending trip to Mysore this fall, but also the donations at the park have been less than they have in over 5 years this summer, likely due to the state of the economy in St. Louis these days.
Don't get me wrong, I can still eat, pay rent and such so far and this is not a whining about the state of my life post by any means. My life is well and I have no complaints. I'm renting a lovely house, I have some great students and am building a great community with them outside the Mysore room as much as inside it, I'm even seeing someone which I never thought I'd want again but am enjoying it.
But I've come to realize this trip could possibly be a big trip for me and it is important for my growth in my asana practice, more importantly for my spiritual growth, and what I get from my trips I bring back home to my students and eventually hope to start sharing in workshops more and more and not just in St. Louis, but maybe could travel and teach a bit here and there in addition to maintaining the home Mysore program.
So, I have a question. If I were to set up a gofundme account again to help differ the expenses for this upcoming trip how would you feel about it? I'm considering it and almost might not have a choice in the matter if I want to go.
Thank you for reading!