So, I just watched an interview with Kino MacGregor, one of many that I've watched with her and heard with her in person. This one is called Living Your Genius and is a series of separate interviews with people who are living their dharma and then a phone call with them later in the week to ask questions.
So, the way she began teaching yoga and the way I did are the same. I was asked by someone and then another and another, and they wouldn't take no for an answer and my first student in Collinsville still practices Ashtanga every day and is 67 years old!
So, have I become victim to the same thing many, many others have? Thinking they have to follow a certain path that is laid out for them by another? Or following that inner voice that leads you in a certain direction, and it may be a direction you think is leading you away from the path you're "supposed" to follow, rather than the one that you lay out for yourself by following that inner voice?
Ummmm, yes, I did fall victim to that idea that I'm supposed to be doing things a certain way and forced it to happen (anyone read the book "Power vs. Force"?). But all the while my inner voice was leading me in certain ways, and when I listened to it it was lining me up with those things that I really wanted anyway, much as Abraham teaches in the Law of Attraction teachings.
So, I was an Ashtangi and an alcoholic, then dropped the alcohol and meat when I started practicing the Kundalini Yoga path. Was so drawn to it that I even became a Sikh, taking the vows of the Amrit ceremony and legally changing my name and almost exclusively teaching Kundalini Yoga for a while, a short while in the scheme of things, but none the less a while.
Then my body started craving more activity again and the Ashtanga practice came back into my life and the two started merging, I started seeing the energetics of the physicality of the primary series, or rather feeling them. I'm not a seer of energy...
So, I came full circle and may still have further to go, oh, I know I still have further to go. But interesting to note that this time around, I'm slowly building an audience who loves the Ashtanga, which is something that I want (its not a huge thing in St. Louis), but who are also just drawn to the teachings the way I present them either way. More are asking for Kundalini Yoga too, which is a very strong path as well. So I'm doing workshops of it here and there, and then those who are drawn to one are trying the other and strengthening their experience of yoga within themselves, rather than following just what someone else tells them is the right path.
Isn't that the strength of the yogic path, that it leads you to your inner voice? Yes, one of them anyway, no matter what sort of yoga you practice.
So, am I living my genius? Maybe, I'm starting too, I'm starting to feel the pull of the path and where it wants me to go to, and that it wants abundance for me whilst I'm on this path. I may not be completely there yet, but I'm getting closer, and closer, so watch out summer, I'm unleashing myself on you and once the park class starts a week from Saturday (its the biggest class in St. Louis at almmost 250 weekly and being part of a farmers market) I'll have a greater range of influence and expect full liftoff!
So come join me, are you up for the ride?!? lol
Namaste . . .