Monday, July 13, 2009


I've been thinking a lot about flow lately. I teach mainly vinyasa, which is to flow through life with your breath, or rather in my case, flow through a class with your breath! I should say I have recently come back to it, from learning Anusara for a couple years, now I take the alignment principles and put them into a flow, from one pose to another.

I've studied the past year and a half or so, a lot of the teachings of Abraham which are channelled thru Esther Hicks. They talk a lot about flow as well, flowing with the stream. The stream of life. There is a lot of talk about turning around and paddling upstream, which most of us are guilty of, thinking that is what you're supposed to do, rather than taking in your paddles and letting the stream flow with you. Because the law of attraction draws to you everything you think about and if you're open to it, meaning to me not attached to the outcome, it will come to you. When you're blocking it by attaching yourself to it you are basically cutting it off from coming into your experience of life

So, I've come to the conclusion they correlate in my life. I am drawn to teaching and practicing a flow lately, whereas I have been in a holding pattern for about a year. Waiting. For what I know not, but for something definitely! So now I'm being drawn back to a flow or vinyasa practice due to the fact that I am ready to let go and let my boat turn around and flow with the stream again, something I used to be good at and for some reason have gotten away from. So as I remember how the flow feels in my hatha practice it can hopefully help me remember how the flow feels in life. Not attaching to things as they come along, but letting them either flow on past my boat, or swirl in and eddy around my boat for a bit before they find their way back into the middle of the stream and move on to the next thing, and I move along to my next thing having fond memories of that thing, person, vacation or even awesome meal, whatever it may have manifested as at that time.

I think when you grab a hold of things, be they people, places, things or hell even ideas and hold on so tight they are bound to create a blockage of energy. Hold on tight enough long enough and that blockage will manifest physically as a blockage in the body, artery, heart, cancer, whichever is closest in vibration to the thing you're attaching yourself to. So, our nature is to grab a hold of things and hold on tightly, or it seems so anyway. Maybe thats just a learned behavior from a parent, past life or culture one is raised in. Maybe our true nature is to flow and let things come and go, let people come and go, places, ideas. Everything evolves. Let the evolution happen.

I know the Baptist tradition I was raised in frowns on evolution. Either it was divinely inspired or it was evolved and evolution couldn't have happen because god created everything exactly as it is. Well, no, not really. Everything has evolved into the way it is right this second, and will begin evolving again in the next second into whatever it will become in the future only to keep evolving beyond that. Why does the dualist perspective have to take precidence? Why can't evolution be divinely inspired? I believe it is. I believe Abrahams teachings are correct, there is a stream and it is ever flowing or evolving. Becoming new in each second, if you chose to grab onto something, whatever it may be, and hold on tight, then you're just turning upstream and paddling the opposite way of the currents flow, maybe this time you're not holding on so tight so you just staying still in the stream so you are getting little headaches or even migraines, or maybe you're holding on for dear life and actually moving upstream you're paddling so hard and you've got cancer, or had it and keep bringing it back, or some other chronic pain or issue in your body.

We are spiritual beings having a human experience, not human beings having a spiritual experience comes to mind. So when you are blocking yourself at the level of soul, with an idea or thing you're holding onto mentally it may even manifest more quickly as an issue in the body than say something or someone you're holding onto physically, but that too will ultimately manifest as something. Or so I believe.

You don't have to agree, at all, you create your own reality, I do not. But think about being open to the idea of letting things move rather than stay stagnant. Look at water, as soon as it becomes stagnant it stinks, grows moss and many other parasitic things in it, becomes yucky and no one wants to go near it. If our bodies are 75% water or whatever percentage they're telling us it is today, then really think about that. Yuck, now I've got icky visuals! lol

Stay open to it, whatever it may be. Open your heart and let it flow thru and enjoy each moment while it lasts, and embrace and enjoy each new moment as it comes into your experience. Sat Nam, Keith